Considering that impression management relies
Considering that impression management relies

considering that impression management relies

On so far a third hand, I may not want to answer out loudly with not raising my hand, as I would be viewed as unmannered. Another hand, I may not want to sit during a whole semester not answering a single question because then I would be viewed as stupid. For example, I would not want to lift up my hand and answer each question that is asked in the class, for I would then be sighted as a big dork. In the majority of cases, there is not a problem with what I "exactly want to do" and what I may want society to observe me doing, even so, if there were I would usually restrict my actions consequently. The things that I say, the clothes that I wear, and the ways I work, though they are mostly dependent on my own choices, are limited to a certain degree by how I want society to observe me or to not observe me. Now I will explain two examples that were personally observed and analyzed by me - one which is mostly subconscious and another one which is active and useful.Įach day when I go to my classroom I utilize a certain amount of subconscious impression management. I’m sure this is true of many individuals, I can remember many instances of impression management, both subconscious and active, that I make use of in my everyday social interactions.

considering that impression management relies considering that impression management relies

In many cases, impression management is an essential and accepted social pattern, while in some cases it can be used to the position where some may call it unfair misrepresentation. An example from the daily life of this kind of active impression management could be a job interview where first impressions are the important ones and we often want to represent ourselves as a certain type of person or possible employee. In different situations, we maintain our actions and our dress more consciously in order to create certain desired results. The general explanation that is used by scholars is the procedure through which people try to influence the perceptions of other people form of them. Impression Management is described as the behavior used to maintain and create desired images of ourselves. This behavior is termed impression management. In our social interactions, individuals are consciously, unconsciously, and constantly attempting to control the pictures that are projected in these interactions.

Considering that impression management relies